Support us
Supporting your local community is easy. We welcome donations from individuals, businesses and legacy donations. Business donations are 100% tax deductible.
If you wish to donate, and would like to support a specific area of charitable need that resonates with your company’s core social responsibility, please talk to us and we would be delighted to advise you.
Ongoing Donations
We believe that the local business community wants to play a greater role in supporting local causes, but may find the administration of the applications too time consuming. Therefore, WightAID has been established to administer and co-ordinate corporate giving on the Isle of Wight.
Our growing community of Business Partners make donations to WightAID which enable grants to be distributed amongst local charities and community organisations.
In-kind donations
Thanks to the support of our Business Partners who provide us, or our charities with goods and services, we are able to keep our administrative costs to a minimum. This enables more funding to be allocated to island charities and community groups.
More ways to support us
#GiveAsYouLive and #EasyFundRaising both allow you to shop online with all your favourite stores and a percentage of every pound that you spend online will be donated to WightAID for FREE at no cost to you.