Frequently Asked Questions
Our FAQ page is here to provide you with quick answers to common questions about our work, how we operate, and how you can get involved.

Business Partners and Supporters
It’s easy. Go to our Donate page to see the options. We would love it if you can give a monthly donation, via BACS or Standing Order.
Or you could make a one-off donation via Credit/Debit Card, PayPal.
Don’t forget that your donation is 100% tax deductible.
DonateThe WightAID team and our 7 Trustees review every application and make sure that the distribution of grants, go to a wide range of organisations, to ensure the biggest impact in our community.
All monies raised will only be distributed to Island based charities and organisations.
There are many ways, Fundraising is always a popular one as it encourages employees’ participation.
For example, this could be a Charity Week, excuse for a Cake Sale, Skydive, Quiz Night or Charity Run or Cycle etc. Or part of your CSR.
Another opportunity that will cost you nothing, is to buy all your online supplies via ‘GIVE AS YOU LIVE’. Nominate The WightAID Foundation as your preferred charity. We will receive a small % of your purchase at no cost to you.
Go to Give As You LiveYes, we do.
If your loved one has a particular area of Island interest, then we will try our best to give to charities or organisations working in that area.
Not at the moment.
We try our best to get your donation into the community as quickly as possible, with the minimum of overhead costs. Our Trustees meet 8 times a year so we can react quickly to where the support is needed most.
Yes. There’s a form on the website. Please fill it in and email it back to us.
Yes, your donation is 100% tax deductible. That means you can deduct your donation from your profits before you pay tax.
Absolutely, we like to invite all our donors to at least one Charity Cheque Presentation, a great opportunity to meet just a handful of the organisations who have benefitted from your support.
Of course.
We like to promote our Business Partners and supporters within our PR activities and social media, but totally accept if you wish your donation to remain anonymous.
Charities & Community Organisations
Yes, but If you applied and were unsuccessful then not for the same project.
If successful in a £500 and under application, you can apply twice in the twelve month period and once a year for the over £500 application.
12 months and we require the evaluation form that you will receive, if successful in your award pack.
Yes, please, we love you to tag us into your projects on your Social media and we love receiving photos so we can also post on our social platforms.
Yes, we will always let you know if you have been successful or not, when you send your application we will give you a receipt email with a date that you will be contacted by.
If for any reason you do not receive an email please contact admin or check your spam.
Due to the amount of applications, we do not send reasons why you were unsuccessful. We will try to guide you if you wish to reapply.
You will be invited to join other charities for a cuppa and a social gathering for an hour.
We will present a “big cheque” that is the total sum of donations that month. These are a very relaxed and informal and normally limited to 2 people per organisation.
We encourage all organisations to attend as this a good chance to meet other amazing charities/groups that are doing great things on our island. We also will have one of our fabulous donors attending that make these grants possible.
We also share photos and do our PR from the photos from these presentations.
Please pick up the phone and call 01983 555915 one of our team will be able to help.
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